You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?- By Peter Macky

Today what grinds my gears is the when someone at the grocery store stands there looking at one thing and blocks half the aisle with their cart and manages to stand there reading labels while you stand there staring at them waiting for them to move their cart and somehow they don't notice this. Are people unaware of their surroundings when other people are standing next to them?  Or are they just that inconsiderate?

This has been happening more and more lately at the great Market of the County and it's really been grinding down the gears of my life.

You know what really grinds my gears?  When people drive less than two blocks. Now, albeit, not everyone in the world is a world class athlete like myself, however, if you're an able bodied person, and you can almost spit as far as you need to travel, there is no reason to get in your car.  You are just plain lazy.  I don't understand why people feel the need to get in the car when the destination is so close, when they are more than willing to go to a mall or shitty-mart store and walk from the parking lot to the inside of the store, which is, oftentimes, more than the equivalent of several blocks. People in America get fatter everyday. This is not because of a failed health care system, or not being able to afford insurance, it's because people are too lazy to take care of themselves.  Anytime you get that much lazy weight on the gears, they tend to grind.

Thank you very much.

You know what really grinds my gears? Blogs.  Oh my God.  Blogs are the most the most useless thing since Twitter.  Now I know Twitter came after the blog, it's just a hybrid of a blog, but, blogs are utterly useless.  I really don't care about the mundane daily accomplishments and achievements of other such bloggers.  Which of course begs the question, why I am blogging about my hatred of blogs?

Well you see it started in a little town called Eau Claire (the year 2002 of our Lord).  Wisconsin.  USA.  It all started when I met this girl. After much toiling and tribulation, we decided to not hate each other anymore and get together.  Which pretty much brings us up to the present, where she singlehandedly created a duel blog, and that, is what grinds my gears this week.